Nurture, Outreach and Witness Committee (NOW)

Caring and Sharing within the Congregation

Postcards are sent to all church members on their Birthday. Cards are also sent to those who have been hospitalized or experience a death in the family.

Calls and visits are made to our homebound members and those suffering an illness.

During Lent and Advent, the NOW Committee delivers a flowering plant and daily devotional booklet to our homebound members. They send devotional calendars to all
members in the Flame newsletter.

NOW sponsored a watercolor class for our church family led by an artist in the

Small gifts are given to the graduates of our FUMC Preschool program.

Outreach to Community

Community Senior Time was started in March for area seniors. It is held on the second and fourth Wednesdays each month 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the church Fellowship Hall. Lunch is served around noon and a time of fellowship follows with an activity, educational speaker, or entertainment. Reservations are encouraged.

NOW sponsors the All-Town Garage Sale in June and provides maps of all registered
garage sale locations.

NOW provides popcorn and water bottles to those watching the Homecoming Parade from
our parking lot.

A table is set up in the parking lot during the town Trick or Treat hours with candy for
the gobblins.

During the year NOW helps the community by sponsoring:

  • Blood Drive
  • Lifeline Screening
  • Senior & Disabled Tax Exemption event

Participation in Community Events

The church participates with a booth, table or float in community events such as:

  • Red Carpet Corridor in early May
  • Catfish Days in July
  • Fall Festival in October
  • Holiday Parade in November