The NOW Committee selects a Mission of the Month for each month of the year.
Loose offering from the offering plates plus undesignated Mission Fund donations are collected and sent to the chosen mission of that month. Their selections support a
variety of local, regional, national and global missions.
FUMC Wilmington supports the following community missions:
Kuzma Care Cottage
Kuzma is a community-wide food pantry started by St. Rose Catholic church. On the
first Sunday of every month, a special collection is taken to support the work of Kuzma
Care Cottage. Many of our church members regularly volunteer at the Cottage to
distribute food to those having a difficult time.
Our Caring Closet
Our Caring Closet is a clothes ministry that was started in our church and out-grew the
space. They offer free gently used clothing and small household items to those in the
community who could use some extra assistance. Yearly, the congregation collects
new socks and underwear for the Closet’s Back to School distribution prior to school
starting. Space is provided for a silent auction to benefit the Closet during the Women
of the Church’s Pork Dinner.
Christian Help Association
Christian Help Association (CHA) is a community-wide organization that operates during
the Christmas holiday season, Thanksgiving and Easter to provide extra food for
members of the community who have fallen on hard times. Our church purchases, in
bulk, several items to be included in the Christmas food baskets, as well as having a gift
tag tree for toy donations, and a collection of coats, mittens and hats. The church also
sponsors the collection of a new book for each of the children up to age 17 whose
families receive assistance. Many members assist with packing and distribution of
these items ahead of Christmas.
Wilmington Sharefest
Wilmington Sharefest is held in early August on the High School grounds for the
community and surrounding area. It brings together representatives from social
agencies, provides free food and other amenities such as haircuts for school-aged
children, bikes for those needing a larger one or their first bike, clothing, diapers, a job
fair and many other resources. The planning committee meets for several months at
our church to coordinate the efforts of all agencies.